Monday 14 November 2011

Theoretical approaches in our video

Throughout this video we use a number of techniques and styles to create meaning and enhance the viewers enjoyment as we attempt to give it playback-ability. One example of this is the intertextual reference to Radiohead's song "Just" as like in their video we will have people laying down for no known reason. We chose to do this because it adds another layer of enigma to the video making the audience want to rewatch the video repeatdly to try and understand.

During this video only the band and our protagonist are used throughout with females only being used as extra's for the street scenes, where they will only feature for a few second. This means there is no objectification or voyeruism used in our video towards either sex. We opted to subvert stereotypes on music video's as it would increase our target audience for the video as males and females would be able to enjoy. Another trait often found in modern music video's we don't use is enpowerment, the reason for this is because we wanted to keep the number of people involved to a minimum for schedule reasons and also didn't think the track suited that particular trait.

Throughout the video we will use a number of principles Goodwin outlined in his theory of music videos. For example along with the intertextual reference there will be links between the lyrics and the visuals amplifying what is being sang compared to what is actually happening however this doesn't happen the whole time and often they contradict or have no relevance to what is being sang. This is because our video will be a mixture of conceptual and performance. The performance will come from the band playing their instruments.