Monday 14 November 2011

Shot List for music video

  1. close up on guy waking up 2 secs
  2. point of view of alarm clock 1sec
  3. mid-shot falling out of bed 1sec
  4. long-shot cuts to the band in a small sized room 4secs
  5. close up of lead singer 4secs
  6. zoom out to full band
  7. mid-shot cuts back to guy getting up from the floor
  8. low angle shot running out of the room
  9. rushing getting ready
  10. close up of him getting tooth brush etc
  11. match on action of opening front door
  12. low angle opens door and looks at planker
  13. back to the band birds eye view
  14. low angle of guy jumping over planker and camera
  15. point of view of guy running 
  16. over the should of time ellipsis of cars driving past
  17. eye line match of guy looking at all the plankers on the over side of the road
  18. guy shakes his head then looks back to see if there all gone
  19. long take of guy running away from camera
  20. band close up of each instrument and person while there playing
  21. establishing shot of tube station
  22. tracking shot of guy running into the station
  23. long shot of guy running down stairs
  24. same shot type but camera in a different place
  25. guy goes to walk-through the barrier but sees people planking on top of them
  26. long shot of band with planking istop switching positions multiple times
  27. cuts back to guy running up escalator 
  28. close up on guitar
  29. cuts back to guy mids-shot on him running
  30. close up on drummer
  31. cuts back to guy mids-shot on him running
  32. wide angle on band energetic performance 
  33. cuts back to guy, high angle shot
  34. zooms out from birds eye view getting further

Props :
  • Mic and Mic Stand
  • Drum set
  • Guitar
  • Toothbrush
  • Bed
  • Alarm Clock
  • TFL
  • Costumes
Equipment :
  • Camera
  • Tripod
  • Dolly