Wednesday 8 February 2012

How effective us the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 2:

We have created a clear link between the ancillary text and the actual music video. Due to the fact that we have used the rule of third in each of section of the digipak. This denotes their significance and contribution that all the band members have within the music group.
This also allows the audience to identify with the band and will also be able to tell from the long shot the indie rock genre and style of music the artist creates. However, this subverts the typical conventions of indie rock band digipak as usually all members of the band will be visible on one panel, for example on The Bloc Party digipak, where as on ours, the pak consists of individual panels. 

The use of the text in the digipak and the actual text that is incorporated in the music video shows a direct link between the two; the typogragraphy were also identical keeping up with some continuity. This continuity ensures that the audience associate the different products and promotes the band’s particular style and identity. The typography is bright and contemporary connoting a youthful urban indie rock band, subverting the expected genre of indie rock.

The two products the disc cover and the music video both consist of the same typography and colours. This reinforces the band style of bright colours and bold fonts, but also promotes the track within the album.
we decided to use the multipal colours as the range of colours does not isolate the target audience as there are some colours that are spicifically chossen for a spicific gender and target audience for example stereotypically pink would be aimed at a female audience. 

the band in the music video are shown slightly differently in the actual digipak. in the music video the band seem to be very enegetic and are at a different location where as the digipak shows them being quite static  how ever placed in a vibrant area. however keeping up with the continuity we still added text using the same typogrpahy as seen in the music video.