Wednesday 29 February 2012

Evaluation Question Three

From our audience we received regarding our music video, we were able to understand from a much wider audience some of the problems they faced in understand the narrative and genre of the music video.

There were various questions asked.

These questions were ‘Do you think the combination of our music video and the digipak work effectively.’

The general response that we had gathered from this question was that there was a clear link between the typography of the digipak and the actual music video, as we cleverly used the same font style and positioning of the text. 

From the audience feedback we also discovered that they generally thought it looks good due to the fact that they get and ‘urbany’ feeling from it connoting to the genre of the music video being an indie rock genre, this genre tends to be quite youthful and energetic.
On one downside it was also stated that the band members seen in the digipak were too small, however taken on response from this we have enlarged them slightly, not too much as it will distort the actually image. Another factor that had to be rectified was that at the time we did not have a poster to go along with the digipak I can now clarify that there is a poster alongside the album covers.

We also asked the audience ‘How would you improve this project?’

We were told by a person in order to make this music video we had produced even we better we should shorter scenes and also clearer shots of main artist to distinguish his emotions through the course of the song. Also they audience found that the opening scene did seem a bit too  boring however they did say as the course of the music video it did get more live and upbeat.

Another question that was asked was ‘Do you think this video has repeatability?’
The entire audience state yes that it does has the repeatability aspect which is very vital if trying to make a good music video. One of the reasons to the saying this is that they enjoy the comical side to it as they enjoyed the planking and silly performance.

It was also stated that it is repeatable however it is not consistent but this could also make it repeatable as the audience would want to find out more about the narrative.

We questioned the audience ‘what type of genre would you call this’

They all answered indie/rock. This tells us we were able to convey the correct genre of music through our video. One of the factors that allowed us to show it’s an indie/rock video is that we did conform to some conventions of an indie/rock genre music video with this being mainly having the band perform during the song. 
However we also subverted the typical conventions by making our band black, whereas in indie/ rock bands the band members are predominately white.

The audience also believed that we stuck to our genre conventions because we had some conceptual elements in the music video.
However it was also stated that we did not conform the conventions due to the fact that the band was black and because the performance was not on a stage it was in fact In a room which could also of  been seen as where your typical band practices there music.

A further question was asked whether or not the they found the video appealing.
The general answer was yes due to the fact that they had enjoyed the range of locations and the pace of the video, some said they felt as if though they were running as well. Some also said that they enjoyed the comedy aspect of the planking. It was also stated that one of the reasons to why it is appealing was that the environments were similar to the lifestyles of some of the target audience which created a link between them.