Wednesday 11 January 2012

Production week 6

On Monday due to unknown technical problems we could not access our work however instead of wasting the time by doing nothing we updated the blog slightly and went over footage we had on the camera discussing ideas about what we want the final piece to look like. We also managed to download the alarm clock sound we plan to incorporate into our video.

On Tuesday the technical problem had been patched and we could continue editing our piece. This meant importing the Alarm Clock sound we had recently downloaded for this project.

On Wednesday after some trouble i was finally able to upload our rough edit and will soon add some writing to it in the days to come i also uploaded the video onto facebook so we could get some a wider range of feedback and hopefully create a better final piece. We also continued with the edit and believe we should be able to finish the basic edit soon and then move on to the more technical side of using after effects etc.

On Thursday we continued with the edit and started to look at how to use after effects in our work.

On Friday we focused on editing and started to plan out what needed filming over the weekend and also on Monday to help improve our work