Monday 9 January 2012

Production Week 5

During the festive break we had hoped to finish the re-shoots needed and add shots suggested by audience feedback received about our rough edit piece. However due to our actors schedules over this period we was unable to do this and had to wait for a time when we was all available.  Instead of doing nothing we decided to plan everything which needed to be done and also shot a few scenes where no one was needed EG. When the phone alarm goes off.

On Tuesday we continued the editing process and started making the recommended changes suggested to us by the viewers of our rough edit. We also went over the shooting schedules for tomorrow and made sure we had the necessary equipment to film the shots we needed and wanted.

Once Wednesday came we didn't have to waste anytime trying to organise what was needed and could get straight into filming. This proved to be essential as filming was cut short by an unforeseen event however this wasn't a problem for our group as we was able to finish everything with time to spare. This lead to us being creative and filming some shots we thought could add to the value of our work however we will need to review them. We also took new photo's for our digipak and poster

On Thursday we returned the used equipment and began editing what we had filmed on wednesday. After viewing the new footage we had shot we was impressed with what we saw and continued editing. After editing the majority of the new footage trying to make it fit with what we had already done, we had a flick through the new photo's we would use to create our groups digipak and liked what we saw.

On Friday we returned eager to continue where we had finished editing the new footage yesterday. While also editing on friday, Luke uploaded the new band photo's writing a small paragraph under them explaining our views and ideas on them.