Monday 12 December 2011

Production Week 4

This week we need to produce our rough edit of the music video we have been creating and show it to our teachers and peers for some constructive feedback on how to improve on it and move forward with our idea. We also would like to finish all our filming including re-shoots but recognise that this would be difficult and unlikely with regards to the band scene however this should be completed before we return from our winter break.

On Monday we continued editing our footage and started updating our group blog with more recce shots and a more detailed production weekly log to help show the work we do behind the scenes and rarely show.

On Tuesday we planned out the shooting schedule for Wednesday and went through our current footage discussing what we thought needed re-shooting and changing. This was time well spent as it has opened our mind to more creative ideas and gave us a chance to evaluate our performance in this task so far.

Once Wednesday came around we was organised and already to go. We went straight out filming and managed to get the scenes we planned to, plus a couple more which was needed but unplanned Eg. the Tube station exit scene. After shooting this we continued with the project by uploading the new footage and deciding on the shots we do and don't like, before importing the files to our current video and carrying on with the edit. While this was happening we also worked on our blog as we attempt to keep it up to date.

As we had already completed the filming we needed to do this week Thursday meant a day of just editing and reviewing our work and getting some audience feedback on the rough edit of our work so we could think about these ideas over the holidays and improve on our work upon returning in the new year. This was a productive day as it gave us a insight in to what needed to be changed/added to improve this piece of work. Overall we recieved positive feedback from our audience on our current work as they seemed excitied to watch the finish piece.