Tuesday 20 December 2011

Audience feedback of rough edit

On Thursday production week 5 we allowed people to watch our rough edit and provide us with some feedback on what worked and what needed improving upon.

Rianna was the first to give us feedback, it was mostly positive but did provide some key ideas to improve upon along with some views of her own. Throughout the areas of assessment (Mise en scene,cinematography etc) she scored us between 3-4 for the level of the current work. One suggestion she made for the improvement of Mise en scene was to increase costume change as she felt it was plain and could have stood our more however this subverts the stereotypes of Indie Rock music video's as often they're no changes through a whole video but we did take her suggestion aboard as after reviewing the band scene ourself and deciding that when we re-shoot were shoot in white t-shirts so during the edit we can have the tops colours changing to add flaire to the performance of the band. Another suggestion for the mirco aspect cinematography was she felt the camera movement was to static and didn't move enough contradicting the track as its very lively. However a positive for creativity and appeal to target audience she put down was that she enjoyed the concept of the video and liked the realism in the video as felt she could connect to the man's journey in her own life. However a suggestion for representation of artist(star persona) was that we neeeded alot more shots of the band and the lead singer to improve their image as in Indie Rock they are almost always a figure head in the video. This was some good feedback we needed and has gave as a lot to think about throughout the winter break even though we will be working on it continusly