Tuesday 20 December 2011

Audience feedback of rough edit

On Thursday production week 5 we allowed people to watch our rough edit and provide us with some feedback on what worked and what needed improving upon.

Rianna was the first to give us feedback, it was mostly positive but did provide some key ideas to improve upon along with some views of her own. Throughout the areas of assessment (Mise en scene,cinematography etc) she scored us between 3-4 for the level of the current work. One suggestion she made for the improvement of Mise en scene was to increase costume change as she felt it was plain and could have stood our more however this subverts the stereotypes of Indie Rock music video's as often they're no changes through a whole video but we did take her suggestion aboard as after reviewing the band scene ourself and deciding that when we re-shoot were shoot in white t-shirts so during the edit we can have the tops colours changing to add flaire to the performance of the band. Another suggestion for the mirco aspect cinematography was she felt the camera movement was to static and didn't move enough contradicting the track as its very lively. However a positive for creativity and appeal to target audience she put down was that she enjoyed the concept of the video and liked the realism in the video as felt she could connect to the man's journey in her own life. However a suggestion for representation of artist(star persona) was that we neeeded alot more shots of the band and the lead singer to improve their image as in Indie Rock they are almost always a figure head in the video. This was some good feedback we needed and has gave as a lot to think about throughout the winter break even though we will be working on it continusly

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Re-shoot tube scene

 These are two screen shots of recent footage we shot after reviews on our initial tube journey scene and were suggested to film more footage for our music video as variety is needed not to bore the audience.
 This is one of the shots we used, its a POV shot of our running mans journey. This scene is meant to show the different segments of his journey and how far he is actually traveling. After uploading the shots and watching them between us we decided not to use this piece of footage as we didn't like the shot and felt it didn't suit the image we are trying to portray.
We used a mid shot on the door and increased the speed to the real footage in the edit allowing us to show the journey but not waste video time.

Monday 12 December 2011

Production Week 4

This week we need to produce our rough edit of the music video we have been creating and show it to our teachers and peers for some constructive feedback on how to improve on it and move forward with our idea. We also would like to finish all our filming including re-shoots but recognise that this would be difficult and unlikely with regards to the band scene however this should be completed before we return from our winter break.

On Monday we continued editing our footage and started updating our group blog with more recce shots and a more detailed production weekly log to help show the work we do behind the scenes and rarely show.

On Tuesday we planned out the shooting schedule for Wednesday and went through our current footage discussing what we thought needed re-shooting and changing. This was time well spent as it has opened our mind to more creative ideas and gave us a chance to evaluate our performance in this task so far.

Once Wednesday came around we was organised and already to go. We went straight out filming and managed to get the scenes we planned to, plus a couple more which was needed but unplanned Eg. the Tube station exit scene. After shooting this we continued with the project by uploading the new footage and deciding on the shots we do and don't like, before importing the files to our current video and carrying on with the edit. While this was happening we also worked on our blog as we attempt to keep it up to date.

As we had already completed the filming we needed to do this week Thursday meant a day of just editing and reviewing our work and getting some audience feedback on the rough edit of our work so we could think about these ideas over the holidays and improve on our work upon returning in the new year. This was a productive day as it gave us a insight in to what needed to be changed/added to improve this piece of work. Overall we recieved positive feedback from our audience on our current work as they seemed excitied to watch the finish piece.

Production Week 3

This week we have managed to shoot the bulk of video including the band scene and numerous running scenes. While this overview sounds good after watching the shot footage we have noticed that we will need a number of re-shoots especially focused towards the band shots as it looks unprofessional and doesn't convey the image we wish to show.

On Monday we traveled to South Bank where we shot a number of different clips for our music video we also took some photo's of the area to give us ideas for our digipak. While traveling to and from the South Bank on tube we decided to take some shots of our protagonist in the station and on the tube to add a variety of locations to our work. We are currently undecided on weather or not to use these shots but it is a good problem to have.

For Tuesday we began uploading and basic editing our previous days footage, we also planned out what we aimed to do on Wednesday as we didn't want a repeat of last week and fail to shoot any footage.

On Wednesday we went to ashburton park in croydon and filmed some running scenes, while in croydon we also visited Aaron's house and filmed a few shots of the band and also the beginning of the running mans journey. It was a productive day but took a little longer then expected however we are happy we have completed the majority of the filming and will only need to shoot a few more scenes plus re-shoots.

During Thursday we brought back the equipment from yesterdays shoot and uploaded the footage in our only free period of the day. Then throughout our lesson we began editing these scenes and trying to sync them to our selected soundtrack. Straight away we noticed that more scenes would be needed to improve the quality of the video along with some re-shoots to try and perfect what we already have.

Original shots of Band

These our the initial pictures we plan to incorporate into our digipak however on review we will most likely take some more to give us more options as we think we can take better pictures which match and connect with our target audience more.

Reece shots of Ashburton park

These our a few reece shots of ashburton park, we took these shots as we plan to use these different locations throughout the music video to show the man's journey. We wanted our video to feature a park as the majority of our video is running and didn't want to bore the audience with limited locations.

During our video we wanted to have numerous people planking throughout to break up the video and add a comedic level this also gives the video a rewatch-ability as it creates enigma and makes people ask why and who are these people. In these shots the planker is on a bench however for the actual video footage we opted to change location slightly and have the planker, planking across the parks path way disrupting the running mans journey.
This shot of the bridge adds another location to our music video as we attempt to keep our audiences interest it also connects to our target audience as a block is shown in the for background linking to our bands urban roots.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Font Ideas for Band title

 While researching into artists posters and digipak's we noticed that they all had different types of fonts which stood out and linked in with the band or artist in their own ways. Because of this we decided to look for a number of different fonts so we could then decide on the best one for our group.
These are just a few font styles we have been experimenting with for use in our Digipak and Poster. We have learnt while doing this research that their is a large varitey of fonts available online which anyone can access and use. This has been time well spent as we are now well imformed about font and other typography styles.

Thursday 1 December 2011

weekly planning and schedules for filming

Reece shots of band room for music video

This is the location we wanted to use for the band to perform to make this location accessible we had to tidy it up and remove a number of items.

This is the room after we had cleared it up. It suits our genre as its simple and plain linking into the social classes our band caters for. The simplicity of the room puts added focus onto our band as the background offers no distractions.